Turnfurlong Lane, Aylesbury, Buckinghamshire HP21 7PL

01296 489264

Turnfurlong Junior School


If you need to contact the school, please call or email the office on office@tjs.org.uk 


At Turnfurlong Junior School, we use Arbor to communicate with parents.  You can log on using a Chrome browser https://turnfurlong-junior-school.uk.arbor.sc or you can download the Arbor App.  The first time you set up your account, you will need to do it on a chrome browser (phone, laptop, tablet, PC)


The Arbor Parent App will allow the school to communicate with parents and carers more efficiently.

Parents and carers are invited to familiarise themselves with its functionality using the link below. 

Getting started - Log into the Parent Portal and the Parent App 

Here are five good reasons to download the app: 

  1. Receive important information through the app (trip letters, newsletter etc)
  2. Book Early Risers
  3. View your child’s attendance
  4. Access your child's reports (when available)
  5. Secure payment method

Following the initial launch – more functionalities will be added to the app over time, including in-app messaging, trips and parents' evening bookings. 

Download the App from the App Store for Iphone or Google Play for Android.  Please allow push notifications to ensure you receive any messages.



Do you need help logging in?  Please click here 

You can also view the video below



Logging In For The First Time

To login into the Parent Portal for the first time and view your child’s dashboard, you will need the email that came from the school to welcome you to Arbor. You must log in for the first time on a desktop computer or laptop, using Chrome as your web browser.

Alternatively, use the following link to open the Arbor Sign-in Page

  1. Click the “First time logging in” option in the bottom left corner.
  2. Enter your email address.  This must be the address the school has on record for you.
  3. Click “Set Password”
  4. Remember, you need to set up your Arbor parent account in a normal browser so that you can enter your child’s date of birth when the pop-up window appears.
  5. Once you have set your password, you need to agree to the terms and conditions to proceed to your dashboard.

Once you have logged in, we recommend that you save the Arbor Log In page to your favourites or bookmarks, so you can access it easily in future.  

This email will confirm your username (your email on school record) and a link for you to click on that will take you directly to your schools’ Parent Portal site.

On your first login only, you will need to enter your child’s date of birth to access the dashboard.


Being A Guardian For Multiple Children

If you are the Primary Guardian for more than one child in the school, you can access and view each child through the same portal by clicking on the name at the drop-down menu with the children’s names in the top-left of the home page, then change sibling.

On doing this for the first time, you will need to enter your other child’s date of birth to access their dashboard.


Have a child at more than one school using Arbor?

When a parent logs into the Parent Portal or the Arbor App they can see details about their children that attend one school using Arbor. If they have two children attending the same school, they can easily switch between students in the app or on the website.

But how does the Parent Portal work for parents with children at more than one school who use Arbor?

If a parent has children at more than one school their experience of logging into the Parent Portal and Arbor App will be a little different. If they use the same email address on their profile at both schools they will be asked which school they want to log into when they visit login.arbor.sc or go to log into the Arbor App.


Please note: You will not be able to switch between students on the Parent Portal/Arbor App if the students attend two different schools. This is because each guardian at each school has a separate profile/account.  This means that if a parent has two students at different schools, you will have two separate accounts, and Arbor won’t link these accounts, other than at the login stage on the Arbor App or on the login.arbor.sc page. To view the information of each child at their respective schools, you will need to log out of one account and into another.

Click here for more help


Trips and Club Payments

To access trip and club payments, click on Activities from the main dashboard.  Select either Clubs or Trips. 

Paying for a Trip or Club

Select the relevant trip or club from the list. In this example keyboard lessons have been paid in full and Young Voices has an outstanding payment to pay.


The Young Voices club has a green Add another payment button. Select this and a side window will pop up.

There are 2 types of payments full payment and pay by instalment (If payment by instalment is set up, there will be an additional box showing the minimum instalment amount). You can make any payment between the minimum and the outstanding or full amount until the trip is paid.


The payment box will default to the minimum so please check the amount before proceeding to payment.

Click the green Pay button to enter your card details or Add to Basket to make further purchases.  To access your basket select My Items from the top menu and select My Payments from the drop down menu.


Booking Parents Evenings

The Guardian Consultations section allows you to book time for Parents Evening meetings by selecting one of the available time-frames as per the School’s setup.

If a Consultation event has been created but the self-scheduling has not yet been enabled by the School yet, the dates of the parents evening will be shown with a note of when self-scheduling is available.


Clubs and Extra Curricular Activities 

Registering a child for a club using the Parent Portal is a simple process. Please note, if it is your first time logging into the Parent Portal, you will need to confirm the child’s date of birth before being granted access.

From the main Parent Portal page, scroll down to the Activities section and click on the field with the child’s name and Clubs in.


The clubs page will list any clubs the child is currently a member of and any clubs that are currently open for them to join. Click on the appropriate club from the Clubs open to (Child’s Name) list to open up that club’s information page.